Wanting to donate something to your student’s class but don’t know what?
Teacher doesn’t know what they need yet?
Want to support the class but money is tight?
Only 5 dollars to the PTA goes a VERY long way!
We love our Jordan Valley family and we thank YOU for helping make a difference!
Joining is as easy as clicking the link below or using the QR code:

PTA Supports Teachers & Students
Provide Home Ec. Equipment

Examples of Teacher Grants Funded by PTA:
- Dollar store gift cards for life skills experiences
- Rewards
- Sensory supports
- Educational manipulatives
Provided individual class wagons full of
P.E. equipment

Holiday Festivities & Treats
2022-2023 PTA Board
President – Donata Trussell (donata.trussell@canyonsdistrict.org)
President Elect – Lori Woodley (loriwoodley@gmail.com)
Treasurer – Tiffany Sisneros (tiffanylt@hotmail.com)
Secretary – Fia Amosa (fianruben@gmail.com)
Teacher Representative – Ashley Wagner (ashley.raucci@canyonsdistrict.org)
Administrator – Stacey Nofsinger (stacey.nofsinger@canyonsdistrict.org)
Email any PTA Board Member with questions and input.