Welcome – virtual linkMeeting called to order
Approve SCC Minutes from 1/15/20
Dates for the remainder of the year
- March 12
- April 23
- May 7, if needed
Business Items:
- School Safety Plan
- Stacey met with Director of Facilities
- 2 safety features will be reconstructed this summer
- Sidewalk around the entire school
- Cement ramps (3) removed
- Submitted diagram for Pedestrian Practice area
- 2 safety features will be reconstructed this summer
- Start Teacher & Student Success Plan (TSSP) and Land Trust Plan Development for 2021-2022
- Goal: Students will gain or improvefunctional skills to ______ according to the Functional Independence Skills Handbook (F.I.S.H.) and Behavioral Characteristics Progression (BCP) rubrics that will allow them to be more independent at home, obtain work related skills and/or educational/training preparations.
- Items to be purchased to work towards this goal:
- Communication devices
- Safety equipment for devices (straps, cases, screen protectors)
- Training on AAC and ASL (potential new hire for AAC Assistant)
- Communication clip art to facilitate PECS and other communication
- Additional items in the Voc Ed Lab, as well as, Home Ec & Library
- Repurpose a portable into independent living & socialskills group activities
- Partitions to separate spaces (furniture & décor for each area)
- Bedroom
- “makeshift” bathroom
- Restaurant
- Etc
- How will we measure growth towards our goal?–
- IEP goal progress monitoring
- Behavioral Characteristics Progression (BCP) with BOY, MOY, EOY
- FunctionalIndependence Skills Handbook (rubric assessment) – would just need BOY, MOY, EOY
- Stacey met with Director of Facilities
- Need council member signatures – please drop by JVS office before March 1st.
- Commencement Ceremony
- Working with district to schedule Mt. Jordan Auditorium, Friday, May 22nd
Other Input/Questions
Next Meeting: March 12, 2021
Move to adjourn