7501 South 1000 E, Midvale, UT 84047

Smiths rewards

Use your Smith's Rewards Card and help us grow!

Supporting Jordan Valley School has never been easier — when you shop at Smith’s, just swipe your Rewards Card!

  1. Visit smithsfoodanddrug.com/account/communityrewards or use your phone’s camera to scan the QR code
  2. Search for Jordan Valley School or use organization code: WE392
  3. Click the ‘Enroll’ button

You’ll start earning rewards for Jordan Valley School right away on qualifying purchases made using your Smith’s rewards Card! Thank you for your support.

Note: There is no cost to enroll for Smith’s customers, and enrollment does not affect your fuel points or coupon discounts. Each time you shop at Smith’s and use your rewards card, Jordan Valley School will automatically earn money from Smith’s.