Welcome to Our Library


  1. Purpose of an Elementary School Library
    1. “Access to and use of school library materials encourages individual student education and self-selected recreational reading. For these reasons, it is the policy of the Board of Education to see that each student has equitable access and opportunity to participate in school library programs.” (Policy 600.06)
    2. Elementary school libraries provide equitable access to stories and informational resources that support the academic and personal needs of their student patrons.
  2. Personnel
    1. Elementary school libraries are managed by part-time Library Instructional Technicians (Library ITs) under the direction of the school principal and supported by CSD Library Services.
    2. CSD Library Services Office includes the District Library Media Specialist, the District Elementary Teacher-Librarian and the district catalogers.
  3. Selection of Elementary Library Materials
    1. “Materials selected should support the core standards and interests of students, staff, and families, taking into account diverse interests, cultural perspectives, age levels, ability levels, learning styles, and social and emotional development levels. Materials should encourage appreciation for both informational and recreational reading, viewing, or listening.” (Policy 600.06)
    2. Elementary library materials for each library are selected and purchased by the District Elementary Teacher-Librarian with input from the school principal, Library ITs, students, staff and families. Suggestions and recommendations for selection and purchase can be made here.
  4. Self-selection of Library Materials by Students
    1. “Responsibility for reading, listening and viewing library materials rests with the individual student and their parent/legal guardian…If a parent/legal guardian wishes to restrict access to a specific title a parent/legal guardian may make a written request to the school’s library staff.” (Policy 600.06)
    2. No classroom teacher or Library IT may restrict a student’s access to a title unless they have explicit instructions to do so from the student’s parent/legal guardian.
  5. Circulation
    1. Borrowing
      1. By Grade
        1. Kindergarten and first grade students are permitted to borrow 1-2 books at a time, after receiving the requisite instruction for selecting and handling library materials.
        2. Second through fifth grade students are permitted to borrow 2 books at a time.
        3. Exemptions such as special occasions or projects may necessitate a student borrowing more than 2 books at a time.
      2. By Time
        1. Elementary students are permitted to borrow books for two weeks at a time.
        2. Elementary students may renew a book more than once and until they have completed reading it.
        3. After two weeks if the book has not been renewed or returned, it is overdue.
      3. By Genre and Format
        1. Elementary students are encouraged to read widely, across multiple genres.
        2. Elementary students are encouraged to borrow both fiction and nonfiction titles.
        3. Elementary students are strongly encouraged to borrow only one graphic novel, manga or comic at a time.
      4. By Location
        1. All elementary students are encouraged to take their borrowed library books home and share them with their families.
        2. A parent/legal guardian may request that their kindergarten or first grade student retain borrowed library books at school.
        3. Second through third grade students may choose to keep one book at school and one at home to facilitate pleasure reading or academic inquiry.
    2. Returning
      1. Borrowed books should be returned on or before their due date.
      2. Books should be returned in accordance with the school library’s return procedure.
      3. A student with one overdue book may borrow another book. Students with two overdue books will not be permitted to borrow books until a book(s) is returned or the account is reconciled.
    3. Reconciliation
      1. If a student has an overdue book that is more than two weeks overdue, direct contact via a phone call or email should be made with the parent/legal guardian, and every effort should be made to locate the overdue books. A log of all direct contact with parents/legal guardians will be kept.
      2. If a student has an overdue book that is more than a month overdue, a second direct contact via a phone call or email should be made with the parent/legal guardian, and increased efforts should be made to locate the overdue books. A log of all direct contact will be kept.
      3. A library book six weeks past due is considered lost. The Library IT will share a report of students with lost library books (ie. that are more than six weeks overdue) including the contact log with the school principal who should determine the appropriate way to reconcile the student’s library account so that the student can return to good standing. The report should also be shared with the District Elementary Teacher-Librarian.
  6. Books of Concern
    1. Request for review
      1. A parent/legal guardian may request a review for a library book that their child has access to that they consider to be inappropriate by following the district’s review and challenge policies. (Policy 600.06)

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