Jordan Valley School Re-Opening Plan
September 15th, 2020

We will teach students about face coverings and physical distancing, but will not be enforcing face coverings for students. Staff will remain covered.
Check out the district’s COVID-19 Parent & Guardian Information Page here: COVID-19 Parent Info
Area/Activity | Procedures and Protocols to Mitigate the Risks |
Arrival *See “Hallways – inclement weather” for added details regarding the change in weather. | Students requiring support are escorted into building using closest slider to their classroom Independent students enter building through exterior classroom door Inclement weather – bring students in according to class to reduce having many students in the hallways going to different locations. |
Assemblies | Will not be scheduled at this time |
Bathrooms | Classroom bathrooms kept locked at all times After use, classroom staff will wipe down (hand rail, table, sink, flusher, changing table) Student will be assisted in washing hands |
Bus | Employees wear a mask Parent will wear a mask to help secure student on bus (supply masks in case they don’t have one) Board students starting in the back Alternate students on the diagonal whenever possible Windows cracked to improve ventilation |
Classrooms | Administrator will provide training to educate classroom staff on action plan Teachers will teach routines to mitigate risk Physical distancing addressed by desks being separated into rows Students are facing forward Teacher will wear mask/shield at all times physical distancing is not possible Hand washing practice throughout the day Classroom staff will wipe down tables, door handles and desks at least twice a day. Keep student, small groups the same throughout the day Students will not be required to wear a face covering |
Communications | Educate caregivers on school protocols and action plan New School Website New School Facebook page Texts from teachers
Community Access | Students will not access community until green phase Create similar experiences within the school building |
Devices | Students will be assigned one device Proper cleaning at the end of the day by class staff |
Dismissal *See “Hallways – inclement weather” for added details regarding the change in weather. | Use exterior classroom doors Assigned seats – pick up students from classrooms according bus area. (ie: all north area buses, then North East, etc) Back of bus filled first Assign buses to sliders closest to medically fragile student’s classroom |
Hallways *Inclement Weather* | Traffic flow will be reduced by using exterior doors If there is heavy precipitation of any kind (rain, snow, sleet, etc), students will transition indoors, using the hallways. Staff will teach students how to stay to the right side of the hallway and wait for other oncoming traffic to pass (other classes). Light rain – we will teach students about appropriate clothing and accessories (umbrella, jacket, etc) and practice by going outside. Cold weather – we will teach students about appropriate clothing & have them bundle up and then go outside. These plans are for the general population of JVS. Individual student ability & need may keep them indoors transitioning, but all protocols to keep kids and staff safe will be used. Taped lines to show which side of the hallway to use Staggering schedule for lunch Related services push-in to classrooms (sanitize hands before they enter and before they leave) |
High Risk Individuals | High Risk Identification Process: Work closely with school nurses, teachers, & Related Service Providers to review health care & Individualized Education Plans with special consideration to mitigate risk Any concerns will be communicated to parents to determine next steps. (Document conversation) Minimizing and Mitigating Risk for Employees Coordinate with HR to support employees identifying as high risk |
Isolation Room | Nurse and symptomatic student only Bathroom in room #133 (has changing table for student to sit or lay down on large bathroom allows for physical distancing) |
Job Sites (for Post High Students)
| No public job sites until green phase Assigned jobs around the school building Household chores built in to daily schedule |
Large Gatherings (Back to School Night, Parent/Teacher Conference) | B2SN will be done virtually with Flip Grid Conferences – scheduled with 10 minutes in between to allow for cleaning and not congregating (limit # of family members)
Lunchroom | Adults pick up & deliver trays, if needed 5 classes eat in room, 6 classes in café Staggered schedule Students will enter the same door (North) Students will exit a different door (South) Students will sit alternating, assigned seats Online Students will have access to lunch (pick-up) if wanted. Contact Melissa Anderson, lunch manager, via email or phone by 9am on Monday for the week or by 9am on the individual days needed |
Office | Masks are required by all adults entering the building Plexiglass barriers installed on reception desk Office phones to be used only by office staff Student check-in/out: parent call ahead to eliminate wait time. Park alongside west curb and wait for staff member to come out Minimize staff visits by calling/emailing |
P.E. | Outdoors weather permitting Students will enter through the West doors & exit through East doors Same groups of students from one class using same equipment (like small groups) Wipe down railings immediately after class exits |
Pool | Closed until green phase |
Recess/Playground | Sanitize hands at the gate entrance Only one class at a time 15 minutes in between classes to allow for disinfecting |
Sensory Rooms | Closed until green phase. 1:1 if needed, staff member will disinfect immediately upon return to classroom |
Staff Preparation | All employees will participate in CSD training & safety expectations to mitigate risk. |
UTA Access | None until green phase |
Visitors & Volunteers | Start the year without any (including Eagle Eyes) |