7501 South 1000 E, Midvale, UT 84047



Meeting called to order

Council members:

Jana Eliason, Chair Jacquelyn Wallenberg, parent (virtual) Kelli Manning, parent

Bryce Edwards, Employee Stacey Nofsinger, Principal Stephanie Barrington, parent


Business Items:

  1. TSSP & Land Trust – prepare plan for March 8th meeting for everyone’s review – plan due 4/17.
  1. Safety Plan
    1. Emergency Bin Updates
      1. Bins are cleared out
      2. Student items need to be updated
      3. Add to teacher check out
      4. Request at Back to School Night or registration
      5. Teacher bag with supplies & binder
        1. flashlights
        2. umbrellas
        3. first aid
        4. incident command packet
      6. Bins housed in the same spot for each room
      7. Last day of school teacher check out – send home student personal items
    2. Exterior Doors
      1. Installed additional alarms throughout the building
        1. ask Becky & Jenny if alarms for their interior doors would be helpful
        2. Becky’s room is locked and others’ keys don’t let them in?
          1. Stacey will look into this
        3. Common rooms need alarms for doors?
          1. Studio Apt
    3. Evacuations to the church
      1. church access if Seminary staff are gone?
        1. meeting with Seminary teacher to get key & lay out of building
        2. Earthquake drill in April with full evacuation to church and remain for a time
      2. gate access – north gate isn’t locked, east gate will be unlocked by custodial
    4. Badge Access for community spaces (10 doors)
      1. The requested list has been sent to Risk Management to be included in a district wide quote
      2. If power goes out, do badge readers work?
        1. YES! They will either work through the generator or battery. We have both.
        2. Doors still have key access

Other Input/Questions


Next Meeting Scheduled for: 3/8/23 @ 9:20


Move to adjourn

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org